Would you like to see every citizen of Trinidad and Tobago become hard-working, respectful,
disciplined, honorable and prepared for life in a global economy? Would you like to see crime,
teenage pregnancy and substance abuse rates decline? No, this is not an
advertisement for a magic pill; this is an argument for (1) mandatory two year military-style education starting at the age of 17 followed by (2) mandatory one year civic style service (e.g. as police, fire fighter, teacher, etc.) in Trinidad and Tobago.
I envision at least two state of the art facilities with one located in North Trinidad and the other in Charlotteville Tobago. It will be managed like the oil and gas sector, the only true functioning sector in our country that works and gives us the largest portion of our GDP specifically b/c it is run by foreigners with no local intervention. Only the best in this field globally can participate i.e. Royal Military College of Canada, Royal Military College Sandhurst (yes alums include Prince Harry and PrinceWilliam) etc. The agreement with them will be irrevocable for the next 20 years at least and their mandate shall be to deliver to the nation 20 year olds possessing the following traits:
- literacy
- fully aware and have honed their areas of gifts, talents (be it in academics, the arts, a trade, sport or otherwise)
- true leadership abilities (at their core servant, situational and other leadership fundamentals)
- have a level of character that few others in the world have
- are collectively conscious , curious and creative citizens
- are part of a diverse unified melting pot regardless of class or race
- patriotic
- wants to give back to TnT through service
And before you stop reading and begin to criticize my idea, read through this entire blog post please!
Guess what Quatar (richest country in the world), South Korea (record growth in the integration into high tech modern world), Singapore (in top 5 least corrupt countries in the world), Austria, Bermuda, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and some 20 other countries in the world have in common? First, the majority of them have the lowest crime rates on any world index but more important and second is that they all have mandatory military service in some form with Qatar being the most lenient and introducing the concept as recent at 2008 into their actual education system with focused incubator periods for males.
I think we can all agree we have reached the tipping point in this country when it comes to crime and how the world sees us. Just this week we were named in the bottom ten tourist destinations in the world, THE ONLY CARIBBEAN COUNTRY to be so far down the list. How did this happen and why have we done nothing as citizens? Where is our voice? Have we all rolled over on the side of the road waiting to see if anything else hits us?
Well this is my humble attempt to try and turn this around. I came up with this idea after spending the last two years working with youths at both St Michaels and the Youth Training Center. I have the benefit of comparing my experiences with "incarcerated' boys to "free" youths i.e. in public, denominational and private schools. At YTC, the re-entry rates are over 70% and the reason was obvious to me. There was no structure and nobody had a plan they executed consistently on the minute a lad walked through the door. Quite frankly, with the exception of one or two decent human beings I came across fighting the system, everyone else was a ghost occupying a uniform, collecting a salary, waiting to get promoted to heaven which was not there. And I can basically say the end result is the same for the youths "slipping through the cracks" at the schools. Parents are not really around, there are no real value systems in the home and basically these youths are being set up to live mediocre lives learning to follow blindly like obedient sheep versus being enpowered to embrace their own natural leadership abilities in their areas of gifts/talents, question everything and most importantly speak up.
So in looking to fix the root of the crime problem, we can agree that we complain collectively about:
- The disintegration of the family and value system in the homes
- Youths out of control because of lack of discipline and structure
- Illiteracy and its contribution to crime
- The inability of the Government to impact crime even though hundreds of millions are spent (weekly, monthly or annually.....who knows really?)
But how do we solve it? Well we got close with Colin Powell. Many of you will recall that US Ambassador Beatrice Wilkinson Welters (love her) brought Colin Powell to TnT to be the flag for a project on crime prevention in 2010. Sadly it never took off. Not for a lack of resources but because we failed to execute. Yet again we somehow convinced ourselves that any "foreign idea or concept" presented to us, we without any training, knowledge or ability, can do it better ourselves. Everytime we fail and get nowhere. Take a look at this video with Colin Powell on TED and you will understand why I think he was the right guy and could have helped us back then. I do not think today the Americans want anything to do with us since we have "0" credibility with them.
Now let it be clear I am not proposing Military style training schools that some of you are visualizing like in Afghanistan with war training etc. What I am talking about is a world-class incubation (away from the regular environment in TnT that is infecting our youths minds in the worst way possible) for two years where they are forced to be in a melting pot of all citizens from rich and poor homes, religious and secular backgrounds, different shades of skin, smart and slow, disabled, healthy, courageous and hesitant. They will all be treated equally placing the same demands and entrusting the same responsibilities regardless of creed, ethnicity, or other labels and affiliations. They will learn about each other and help each other through physical, mental, organizational and creative challenges under strict behavioral codes but nurtured and guided by the best in the world. And my only requirement outside of their standard set up is we have "local" grannies as house-mothers. We have hundreds of old people in this country who feel helpless about where we have reached and who will jump at the opportunity to lend a hand in a controlled nurturing environment. They can share their stories and pass on their knowledge and yes they will be the bridge for the those without family support when they graduate from the academy. And yes, I know some of you are thinking they can be our "local" eyes and ears for us just to make sure those foreigners are treating our children right;-)
This will be followed by one year of civic duty. Just look at New Zealand which has mandatory national civic service and you will learn how it gives its citizens a chance to rally around a shared cause which develops respect for people, their belongings and their property. In short it promotes patriotism and strengthens the spirit of citizenship.
And yes I do know the biggest backlash for this idea will come from the upper class who like things the way they they are so they can continue to remain "Head Crab in the Barrel". But like all mandatory systems there will be some "cop-out" regulations like if your child gets accepted in a University abroad etc. However, this country we will be offering world class academic education, cutting edge arts program and alternative training in a structured environment from the best in the world for free . Those who harbor a "run-away" mentality in their children will be in the minority.
And of course we will have the majority of youths complaining about the 6am wake up calls, early morning drills before class, heavy homework, early curfews coupled with taking full responsibility for cleanliness of their rooms, shining their shoes, doing their own laundry, short hair cuts, unfashionable clothing etc. etc. But the invaluable lessons of cooperation, team building and strength of mind will make them into true leaders who can take this country forward. I can guarantee you they will be our source of pride and save us all.
I will end by proposing a pilot be set up commencing September 2013 to run over the next year with this new initiative going into law effective January 2015 for all youths. I know exactly how, where and when to get this pilot mobilized in record time. But I just deleted the rest of this paragraph because I was just told by someone I trust, do not share specifics since "they" will know how to stop you. So in the interest of " ensuring I do"....sorry guys;-)
In concluding, a holistic mandatory military based education would spawn a chain of events that would transform Trinidad and Tobago and may just be the only solution out there to truly cure all our ills. And really what is the worst case? We will reduce the obesity rates and have some truly physically fit citizens (kidding off course). Now you can tell me what you think!
Thank you Giselle Hudson a/k/a Purple girl for ensuring my grammar is kosher;-)
ReplyDeleteYou've totlaly got my vote on this, we've got to nurture solid ethics and values in our youth going forward, the discinpline of such an environment would deliver some noble and powerful future leaders, definitely a concept worth exploring. So just one question, when do we gather like minds to translate this into action? Open public debate/conference on solving the crime situation may be a great way to throw the concept out there and call for support with this. Given the suggested Sep 2013 target date for commencement of the pilot, I trust you're already actively working towards this plan, so great! Keep sharing super lady, and let us know how we can support.
ReplyDeleteG, public consulatation will have to come after the pilot of 6 months...imperative we do and then show and talk. Too much talking and no doing in TnT and people have truly lost trust so our strategy has always been let us show you what we are talking about.